Eggstravagant Easter Egg Hunt

Short Toons

Comics for the Shorter Attention Span

Posted on April 13th, 2020

Easter 2020 has been and gone and both Evs and Josh have had a great time of it. They’ve received a new map to follow, called Enchiridion Chartis – Volume 3. Which was trickier and more complicated than ever before with Musical Keys, Roman Numerals, The Greek Alphabet, the use of a compass and even seeking out the Mystic Mum to give them tarot readings and fortune clues on there egg hunt journey.

Starting the egg hunt- 2020
Finding Mystic Mum
To the winner go the spoils

I think that next year I’m going to have to take it a little bit easier on myself because coming up with a map, the cryptography’s and all the clues last minute kept me up until after 2 am Sunday morning (not to mention many days prior) before the kids expected it later that same morning. Well I’ve had a bit more time on my hands this year so sod it I think it was well worth it and the kids do to, I’ll keep this tradition going as long as I can keep them interested in it which isn’t hard when theirs chocolate involved.

Hope everyone has had plenty of treats and fun these past days and tried to maybe enjoy there time without to much worrying about the world and troubles around us all.